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10 March 2015
Publish invitation letter of AGM 2015
27 February 2015
Financial Statement Yearly 2014
27 February 2015
The resolution of BOD and the 2015 AGM
27 February 2015
Audited Yearly and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
28 January 2015
Resignation of Director
02 December 2014
Company's 2015 Annual Holidays
13 November 2014
Financial Statement Quarter 3/2014
13 November 2014
Reviewed Quarter 3 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
13 November 2014
Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 3 Ending 30-Sep-2014
27 October 2014
Invitation to propose agenda and director nomination for AGM 2015
14 August 2014
Reviewed Quarter 2 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
14 August 2014
Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ending 30-Jun-2014
14 August 2014
Interim Dividend Payment
14 August 2014
Financial Statement Quarter 2/2014
14 August 2014
Interim Dividend Payment (revised)
15 May 2014
Clarified the operation performance in Q1/2014
15 May 2014
Appointment member of Audit Committee
15 May 2014
Reviewed Quarter 1 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
15 May 2014
Financial Statement Quarter 1/2014
15 May 2014
Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ending 31-Mar-2014